The Urban Missionaries' Association of Canada (UMAC) is a group of men and women devoted exclusively to preaching the gospel; and recruiting, training, and deploying others in doing likewise. We offer a highly specialized ministry- we train people who sense God has called them to reach out to people that no one else is. Urban Missionaries receive training in person-to-person evangelism, and are empowered to lovingly connect with people they have never met.
The members come from a variety of churches. UMAC itself has no ties or connections to any specific church, denomination, or organization. The objective of the outreach is to connect with people who are responding to what God is doing in their lives, to share the Good News with them, and expect God to continue working in their lives.
Urban Missionaries receive training in going door-to-door* using a Spiritual Needs Survey to start a conversation around the neighbourhood's spiritual needs. Active seekers (those responding to what God is doing in their lives) are encouraged to reflect on their own spiritual needs. Those that desire are led towards a decision to repent and accept Christ as Lord and Saviour!
*Not to be confused with Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons
As the Urban Missionaries' of Canada, we believe Jesus Christ:
Furthermore, in order to claim our inheritance as Children of the Living God, we must repent of our sinful past and invite Jesus to live inside our heart and take control of our lives. We share this Good News out of love, that others may also experience His amazing grace!
UMAC aims to visit every home, every year in order to introduce Jesus to our neighbours*
*In the story of The Good Samaritan Jesus demonstrated our neighbour to be anyone in need
UMAC exists to help fulfil the Great Commission (Mark 16:15) by praying for/with; recruiting, training, and sending Christ-like Urban Missionaries to preach the Gospel message to our neighbours*
*See Jesus re: Good Samaritan
Perhaps you've felt God's leading to share the gospel with more than just your friends & family... Jesus, Paul, and many disciples "pounded the pavement"; teaching the people on their own turf. Urban Missionaries' can provide tools and skills to help you preach the gospel on people's turf...
Robert consistently knocks on more doors in the name of Christ than any other of our Urban Missionaries. His observations are meant to challenge, inspire, and motivate others to share God's amazing gift of grace to a desperate world. New entries are added weekly; most current to least.
What a great Street
What a great God!
To encourage you in sharing your faith here are three unfinished stories, perhaps you will find them motivational.
(1stX). In transit, on my bike, with my UMAC backpack, I stopped and dismounted to walk beside a young guy. Engaged him with an IceBreaker question?
“They say that people that believe in God live four years longer than Atheists, why do you think that is?” Well, Michael* responded, “I’m an Atheist.”
Brian has told me that people might respond and say that they are; just far from God, don’t go to church, or perhaps are in a way seeking. So as he was walking his two dogs we talked. And his answer: “I think that their lives are more anchored, they have faith in God, and live better.” The dogs were on autopilot and wanted to turn & go home, as we stopped, across the street was the park with a bench. Hey, you got a few minutes, mind if we sit on that park bench. “Let’s.” And the conversation continued, as I took out a couple of Gospels of John. I told him some of the characters who found & TURNED TO FOLLOW JESUS. Ie. The Disciples, Nicodemus, and the Lady at the well. Concluding that he could parallel their story, though each of our stories of how we meet Jesus will be different. His prayer concern was to find a job. So I Prayed. We parted, may he someday have his salvation story to tell.
(2ndX). Parking I gathered myself. In the car, somehow; The Holy Spirit said: Check...&...find that Elizabeth Elliot Tract that I have carried in my UMAC binder for several years because tonight you might use it. Searching; there it was.
Lady named Val* sitting on her small front deck, had time and good interest in a low-pressure engagement: Opening Statement, Spiritual Needs Survey done, Four Spiritual Laws & Full Gospel Presentation done, Page 9 wanted to stay in the circle without Jesus, and did not want to pray the Prayer Of Confession. Right after the P.O.C. Invitation was done (as I listened to where she was at Spiritually, as it came out in an honest friendly exchange) she said: “When I was nine, my mother died.”
I briefly told her the Elizabeth Elliot Story, The Landing of an airplane & Accua’s killing two Missionaries. Composing myself. I retrieve the Elizabeth Elliot Tract. It’s on this subject, showing her, it’s 2 ½ feet long. I came forward & handed it to her receptive hand. “But we’re not finished yet.”
She tells me that friends occasionally take her to a good Evangelical Church, she loves going, ‘understands the Pastors messages’ and likes everything she hears and experiences at that Church. Of course, I encourage her to keep these Sunday outings and the friendships she has with these missional individuals. And we part.
(3rdX). I only engage with one Muslim a year. The door opens and I ask if Dad or Mom is home? So Abdel* comes out 4’ away (4’ indicates he wants to engage me?) does the SNS, Indicating and dialogue’s: “... goes to Mosque weekly,” He is a well trained Muslim Evangelist. A 45 minute respectful & open back & forth engagement begins.
He brings up four classics, foundational Bible Stories. The Prophet Adam, Prophet Noah, & Prophet Abraham, the sacrifice of Ishmael his son, and Prophet Jesus were all very well retold by Abdel. Of course, I knew these Biblical foundational stories, as ‘you-all’ intimately know them. He was open and told him about Jesus, he has never been taught that Jesus died for our sins, and two sticking points, Jesus as God, and counterintuitive that God would die.
As I listened to these “Mountain Top” Four Classic, Foundational Bible Stories, I turned over my pad and sketched out that these Prophet Stories, are looking ahead signaling/prophesying the vision ahead to Jesus. ie. Adam, (God puts animal skins on Adam) “...without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins…” Noah, only those that got in the ark were saved, and God shut the door. Abraham, “...where is the sacrifice Father, ‘God will supply the sacrifice…” And that Jesus was without sin and willingly became the sinless sacrifice for our sins, through His shed blood on that Cross.
When I mentioned the Hypostatic Union and that my feeble mind can’t comprehend it... Abdel thought I was uncertain about my faith, and invited me to study Islam. I reassured him I am not uncertain! For several years I have had this two-page Photo Stat in my binder, so along with my business card, I gave it to him. And we amicably parted. “But is God finished yet???”
(4thX). A few days later I returned to the other side of the street to finish the Street... Knocked. A young man appears. I deliver one sentence of the Opening Statement….
I hear this response... “I LOVE Jesus!”
And out bounded Davide* to greet me. I was now handshaking & 2’ feet close. To a young WEC Missionary, newly married & newly moved into the neighborhood on furlough for a year, whose Mission Field is UP India, a Muslim triangle area, that he sketched out on my pad as we engaged. And he is getting to know his neighbors in his new community. “ Davide lives across the Street from Abdel.”
Psalm 126:6
He who goes out weeping,
carrying seeds to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him.
I’m glad I’m in this Urban Missions Association, organized for the joint purpose of getting the message that Jesus saves, out. purposeful people that don't give up.
God is at work all around us.
What a great God!
Lots to pray about.
PS. Love to hear your story.
Photo Stat Of imaginary dialogue starting at page 30. Taken From:
Mission Frontiers Issue 37:1 Jan/Feb 2015. THE POWER OF HONOR
The Good News For Muslims In Honor Based Cultures
By Jeff Hayes
God Had Prepared A Heart Ripe For Harvest
I understand new people are reading this. Praying for us & cheering us on. Thank-You!
May I encourage you - there are spiritually receptive people out there.
And U.M.A.C. Trained Team members have risen to the challenge & opportunity of:
Intentionally Going out, Meeting new people, Engaging them about spiritual matters, Sharing the Gospel Of Jesus Christ, Seeing people respond to the Gospel.
We knock on doors (where homeowners are most comfortable), introduce ourselves, immediately being upfront, stating our end vision: “We care about the spiritual needs in the neighborhood.” And saying something about them: “...we’d like to get some ideas from you about people’s Spiritual Needs?” This is done with the aid of a ‘Spiritual Needs Survey.’ This SNS helps us to ascertain the most spiritually receptive people.
It turns into: Dialogue, Trust, Receptivity. Below is one story of the effectiveness.
Holiday Monday, 7 PM, beautiful evening.
Knock on the door, nobody home & walking away, “Hello.” I turned around… a teenage boy named Auzzy* appears, holding a well-mannered dog by the collar, the dog goes into the house, and I state why I’m here (opening statement), dressed in blue/name tag, binder & visible pencil (speaks of intentionality) And upon his invitation, engagement is started with the Spiritual Needs Survey.
Auzzy sat on the wooden step, as I sat on the concrete sidewalk, (3-4’ separation), and with my pencil pointed & read the SNS, so he could see it. A KEY revelation through the SNS, is uncovered, “I go to Church weekly.” But is a 5 out of 10 on being sure he has forgiveness of sins & on his way to heaven? Upon finishing the SNS Auzzy requested the Booklet & a Gospel Presentation begins using the ‘Knowing God Personally' booklet. I opened my copy, again pointing & demonstrating as I began “Preaching the Gospel Message.”
‘One on One’ is great for dialogue.
I read him 1st pg of KGP, @ John 3:16, he says:
“I barely recognize it because I have memorized it in KJV.”
“I’m at Church Youth Group. #10-20 kids every Sunday, and love being there.”
So Christianity has been explained @ Church @ Youth Group.
Other interesting things came out as we moved through “The Gospel in the Tract Booklet.” Perhaps I was training a future Evangelist in the use of this tool. Maybe with some of the Youth Group?
We come to page 9, the ‘one thing Auzzy needs to do.’ I wasn’t sure what Circle he’d choose. But there was clarity in the words of Jesus, “Behold I stand at the door and knock…
“I’m over here without Christ.” I say: “It’s only a short step to get over here.” As I turn the page over to the Prayer Of Commitment. And say, “This is how a lot of people handle this decision.”
He didn’t hesitate in praying the POC out loud. I think this was a meaningful moment for Auzzy. A simple Gospel presentation and he responded in faith. Auzzy eagerly signed & dated his POC.
I went over everything in the “follow-up pages” encouraging his continued involvement in all his Church's teachings, but it would now be much more meaningful.
As UMAC’ers do Door-To-Door, We experience that God is at work in this world. Many UMAC’ers have spoken & connected with 100’s of people. Though no two Gospel Presentations will ever be the same, we have learned that there is tremendous receptivity to the Good News.
“Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest…” Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”
May God continue to use us amongst our communities.
Salvation is from the Lord
Janine - proof that God can connect with someone despite our ability to preach (or lack of) ...
On the very last door of a new area that Cathy and I were doing, just as the COVID restrictions were easing, we met a special lady. She was a mom with 3 active and distracting children, but willing to do our survey anyway. She was also a very lovely, open lady I felt an immediate rapport with. Her spiritual need was ‘failure’, and she seemed to put a lot of thought into answering the questions. She was ok with us taking her through the booklet.
But on the first biblical statement, that “God so loved the world (that’s you, Janine) that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will have everlasting life” she seemed to hesitate. “I don’t believe that”, she responded.
Something is refreshing about an upfront theological objection. Turns out, she thought that if you were, say, a murderer or something, you couldn’t go to heaven just by believing. I suggested she stick with me for just a minute because that was going to get covered in just the next few points...
So, I went into how we are ALL sinful, and fall short of God’s glory, in thought, word, and deed, and as for being a murderer, Jesus said that if we hated a person in our heart, we are doing the equivalent of murdering them.
So, if you take me, who was good at hating people for something like twenty years, and compare me to somebody who killed somebody, how do we compare? A murderer may have only killed them once, but I’ve murdered some people a thousand times.
Janine seemed struck by that. “For some people it’s pretty easy to hate.” She spoke. I added, “...And that kind of hate can be VERY addictive.”
We got to the circles. I had to abridge a bit because the kids were getting cranky, but Janine was staying with me. I still hit all the points. Janine was in the ‘left’ circle. Did she want to move right? She hesitated. “I’m not sure about that”.
“It’s a big question,” I said. “Look, definitely think about it, ok? I used to be in that ‘left’ circle, but I decided to go right. Nothing could persuade me to go back. It’s a good place to be.”
I thought I’d gotten as far as I could get, but God had a surprise. I remembered I’d better go over the prayer.
“All it took, Janine, was a prayer. We can get to Him the moment we ask. My prayer was “Ok, I’m yours - just PLEASE don’t scare me to death!” But this prayer here is kind of what I meant. (I read the prayer). Janine, could you pray that prayer and mean it? “
“Yes, I could!” (Her whole face lit up. It was amazing!) “Well, would you like to do that now? “
I could see her trying to recall the words from memory to say them! I almost laughed.
“Janine, if you mean it, just say ‘Amen!’” and she did.
She was very, very happy with receiving John’s Gospel and stuff and we committed to bringing her more material next week.
Gathered, & Prayed & Sent Out
Sunday, 6 PM, May 16, 2021.
A beautiful Sunday afternoon, just been to the Sunday Afternoon Corporate Prayer meeting. Where several of us gathered for Prayer. We lifted up The Persecuted Church, and Church Pastoral Search requests, … and each other.
Martin, my weekly accountability coach and I prayed for each other’s needs. I requested: “To do Evangelism,” and so we prayed. He prayed for me, to be bold & abundant in outreach.
As I cycled up an alley, I saw someone in their backyard ‘chillin.’ As I am cycling past the yard, I had the thought of stopping and talking to him, yet I continued on by. A half mile later I stopped. “Hey wait a minute, Martin just prayed for: “Boldness & abundant outreach “, Go back, and engage the fellow in the backyard.” So I turned around & went back.
Stopped at his backyard parking area, and said, “Hey do you have three minutes?” He came over and we started. “Can I give you this Gospel of John?” Long story short; He was open to reading it and conveyed that he knew Jesus. However, he was open to listen, just like he was to Native American Spirituality, and Voodoo & something else, “Whodoo”?, “Hoodoo”?. Had a twenty minute conversation, where my response and interjection was the Story of Jesus. Was I able to impact him? Would the Truth of Jesus have an impact in his world of false prophets & ideology and religious syncretism & religious inclusivity? With the Gospel of John, in hand. I suggested an approach on how to read it. And in parting he “Thanked” me, and said he would read it.
I was humbled by these events: That My Friend had prayed that I would be an instrument of Evangelism, that God reminded me of that, & had turned back to engage. God is so good isn’t He? And I’m Thankful that He is still shaping me.
I’m pedaling home on an extra wide sidewalk on a main road corridor.
Was approaching a younger adult just bouncing along in his walk with his earbuds in. So I stopped my bike & engaged him. “What music are you listening to…?” ” Suicide…”
Current events tell me that suicides are up. And the Holy Spirit led me to believe that: “That This Was The Person God Had Prepared To Hear The Good News.”
“May I give you the Gospel of John?” Dallas* stopped & now had a copy of the G of J. “You got three minutes?” “Sure.” Masking & straddling my bike, we opened to the Bridge Gospel Illustration, and went verbally through the Presentation of The Good News. Dallas was soaking it in. I sensed there was an understanding of what was being presented. A woman walked by and occasionally there were loud car noises, yet none of that mattered. I asked if this prayer expressed the desire of his heart? Yes it did. Invited him to repeat it out loud. He willingly did so.
And so it comes to fruition: “ By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. “ 1 John 4:13-15
Reviewed and encouraged reading a small part of Scripture every day. “Some things you’ll understand and others you won’t, just major on the things you do understand.” And partner with another believer. “Maybe the person in the locker beside you, or a friend that goes to Church.” Dallas’s body language cringed at this idea & the impossibility of this.
I spoke of the importance of the body of Christ, and gathering with others in the family of God. And when this Lockdown is over, and you're halfway through the G of J, see about going to Church. I gave him my card, told him to drop me a text or email in September on how it’s going. We walked the next block, chit chatting.
Dallas will be going into grade 9 in September, at a local High School. He has one friend that he plays video games with, and sounded lonely, maybe uncertain of who he is. Maybe austracided at school, or bullied or fearful? So we chatted about life; who we are, what we do, for the next block. And as he turned off for his neighborhood.
Dallas: “I’ll be praying for you!”
Thank you for praying.
God’s word reminds us: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Phlippians 4:5
*Not his real name.
Into the Harvest
Was needing Scotch Tape & arrived outside the busy Local Mall entrance, the busiest shopping weekend before Christmas, a young guy was having a ‘smoke’ as I locked my bike to a tree directly in front of him (5’), and asked one question; “Are you familiar with the Christmas story?” “Yes!” A conversation started. In reality Asa (25 yrs. old) was going to tell me the Good News that has changed his life these last months.
A fast moving conversation started and three primary things tumbled out of his mouth:
“I’m an Atheist but am returning to God.
My Dad has recently died.
I’ve been reading my Bible, and have begun reading in Genesis in my ‘Good News New English Bible.’”
“I’m named after one of the Kings in the Bible.” I quickly bantered back to him: “Over thirty years ago, in Bible School it was a test question. ‘Name all the Kings Of The North Kingdom & South?’ LOL! We were both smiling. We continued the banter at rocket speed. He was on break, Asa worked retail, nicely dressed, solid black hair, and articulate. We had connected.
Then the ever so accepted ideological phrase, “...all paths lead to God…”. Was this a question or was Asa about to ‘Kick It To The Curb?’ Quickly, I quoted John 14:6. “And that none of the other religions had a Jesus, a Saviour.” Asa had enough ‘Spiritual Currency’ and caught my friendly response, and that thought was dismissed.
The Holy Spirit had prepared, and Asa’s story and banter assured me he was on the road to getting back to God. God was drawing Asa to Himself. Back & forth we went, about where he was spiritually. Asa confessed a return to God, and to reading his Bible. What Asa said was genuine and it was testimony that God was at work.
You could say, everything was fine with Asa. But, The Holy Spirit was prompting one other thing.
Everyone needs to be invited.
Moving quickly, I pulled out a Gospel of John and opened to the page with the Prayer of Confession. Asa seeing the prayer as I clearly read it to him, and asked him if it expressed the desire of his heart... (we were interrupted.)...however, he stayed on the subject at hand and he responded, “Yes, it does.” With that he confirmed the reality of being Born Again. It’s a Supernatural transaction that had already begun, perhaps my role was to affirm & invite, & to challenge the very thoughts that had begun to grow in him.
It was time to wrap up. So suggested to him to take his English Living Bible, and write his own words of Prayer of Confession & Thanks in his Bible, Sign & Date it. It is a ‘Spiritual Marker’ of your beginning a journey with Jesus.
I encouraged him to continue reading in his Bible, and there are religious TV channels, find and follow a preacher on TV & when ready (or Covid restrictions lifted) to get together with a friend or relative that goes to Church, and try Church. I’d be praying for him.
I’ve been fueled by you, my fellow band of UMAC’ers, by your bold & audacious goals. I’ve been encouraged in my faith walk, and mobilized to get out into “The Harvest”.
Thank you for praying with us. This makes a world of difference.
Until everyone is invited,
Urban Missionaries Association Of Canada
Daily Living Out Our Salvation
With COVID cases going up and restrictions hindering the continuance of door to door evangelism. The events shared in the upcoming dialogs reveal that there is no confinement in being who we are in Christ. COVID has an impact on the activities of daily life, but it does not (and should not) have an affect on who we are in Christ. In fact, as the content that follows reveals, the only effect it should have, if any at all, is that we need to realise that people who are without Christ have their security dismantled and are coming to grips with the fact that everything can be taken away in a blink of an eye.
Kim’s recent Ministry to his neighbors in these Covid times shows how we are alive with the knowledge of God’s Word. The Spirit is directing and giving us boldness to proclaim the Truth that people need to hear. Kim was being exactly what the Bible tells us to do,... “To Love Our Neighbor as Yourself”. Matthew 12:39
First neighbor: The neighbor and his wife bought a RV Trailer and were away most of the summer, enjoying the beautiful spots and people of Alberta. His wife had Cancer and was having a season of respite. Summer over and now back home. Things take a turn for the worst, and she is admitted into Palliative Care. All this knowledge leads Kim to keep praying for his neighbors. One day when the neighbor was about to make his daily trek to the Hospital... Kim engaged him, and in that engagement gave him a Knowing God Personally tract, and told him: “It was important for his wife to read, and a decision needed to be made; ‘Where, would she spend Eternity?’” The husband accepted the tract with thanks, and carried on to see his wife.
Time passes and the neighbors’ sequence of life changes. Kim noticed a bunch of different cars in front of the house and when the neighbor was out in his yard and finished blowing snow away. Kim engaged him for the next ten minutes: “What happened?” “Kim expressed his condolences.” Kim's wife prepared some food and took it over and the neighbor, who courteously accepted the gift that was received with much appreciation for the care and concern that came from his neighbors.
Second neighbor: A young man in his twenties who has lived there for two years. Kim engaged him with a tract and asked ‘Can I show you the high points?’ And through the tract Preached the Good News to him. Sharing Eternity and how to get there with Jesus. Loving your neighbor as yourself.
What motivates Kim (we are complex people so it's different for each one of us.) But Kim has been listening recently to Preaching on Hell. Realizing the reality of Hell spurs him on to tell people about Salvation, he prays and goes and does that!
As we look around, we see God at work. What does it mean to be saved for you, my listeners?
Philippians 2:13 tells us these words. “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,”
May God give us Creativity & Faith & Boldness.
Thank-You for praying. It makes a world of difference.
A Note: I am putting traditional UMAC ‘Door-to-Door’ Outreach on pause for the moment. Keeping within the spirit of heightened Pandemic guidelines.To be resumed when conditions permit.
I’m An Atheist
It’s Saturday afternoon, November 14th, 1:17 PM, and there is no breeze. The sun is out, and the temperature is ‘Zero’ one of the neighbors is on a ladder clipping on a string of Christmas lights to the peak of his roof. So this happened, there was a grouping of three houses that one after the other answered their door. One was a recommitment. What I liked best about this engagement: “Hold on I’ll get my coat on,” and now with Slippers & Coat on; closed the door behind him, and stepped out onto his small deck, I’m Comfortable & Ready To Engage. Next neighbor: A lady who had Snow Pants on, was busy 1B, was waiting to be picked up to go tobogganing, she just had time to do a SNS. And finally; I’m an Atheist.
Seven out of thirteen people were home this day, on this Duplex, Close, in an area ‘Redoing’ from over a year ago. (EHEY). You would think I’d be warmed up, ready to give an answer. And procedure? So this is about sowing. And a God who intervenes.
Strategic, Missional, Purposeful, ‘opening Statement given.’ Immediate reply: “I’m An Atheist.” I had a decision to make, “cut & run” or “stay.” He stepped out onto his small deck. Elias* early twenties, barefooted. Door shut behind him. “Stay!”
“My brother-in-law and I climbed up Mount Rundle, it happened this time of year. It's a big slab mountain, as I held my arm at 45 degrees, there was some snow but it’s wind swept, so rocks & gravel trail. We got to the top, and walked out to the edge. We looked straight down 1,000’s of feet. And suddenly realized we were on a cornice (an overhanging mass of hardened snow at the edge of a mountain precipice...) We immediately stepped back. We could have fallen to our death.” A fear story.
I asked: “What happens when we die?” We just go back to dirt. “Do you know that is what the Bible says also? But we have a soul, we were made in the image of God, He gave us a soul, the soul doesn’t go back to dirt.” Quoted:
“So God created man in his
own image,
in the image of God he
created him;
male and female he created
“And your soul returns to God who gave it, your soul goes to one of two places: Heaven or Hell.”
“and the dust returns to the
ground it came from,
and the spirit returns to God
who gave it.”
Offered a Gospel Of John, the caption on the front cover says: ‘Come And See.’
I wanted to set him up to be a self feeder, so I asked him to open to Page 5 where we have this ‘Come & see’ verse 1:39. He pages through, reads something, “No that’s not it,” pages through some more pages, didn’t realize, lots of numbers. Page #’s, Chapter & verse #’s Perhaps He had never opened a Bible. He again reads something. It’s his first Bible experience, also a ‘group thinking time’ because he has been listening, there is absolutely no antagonism, we’ve engaged and both thrown ideas out for thought.
And then: A God that Intervenes.
Elias is a good reader. Clearly and with cadence, he reads, from his own copy of the Scriptures. 5:28-29. G of J.
“Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned.”
The right verse? But more on topic & appropriate than anything I could have dreamt.
And I told him that.
I confirmed to him, what you read is what we’ve been talking about.
I can’t remember how it ended. I was totally awestruck Elias read that Scripture. Brian Fargher has said: “I’m convinced more and more that evangelism is a process, we are just one link in a chain.”
“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one is forgotten by God. Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
The intimacy of God: He knows Elias, and He knows us. Thank-You for praying.
*Not his real name
(EHEY)=Every House Every Year
Genesis 1:27 & Ecclesiastes 12:7 NIV.
Luke 12:6-7 NIV.
Because she believed God is real!
“Am I giving crumbs to God?” This one question, posed by a radio Preacher, pushed me out into the Harvest and into a newer section of town.
It was Wednesday, 2 PM, 10+. My first dialogue was very pleasant, about 65 years old. As we completed the SNS, and as he didn’t want the little booklet as it would go right in the recycle, our spiritual conversation continued, I realized he was a Naturalist. He knew about Jesus but accommodating to other religious philosophies. And had his own ideas, and wished me well in my Outreach.
But this prepared me for the next engagement. Frances* a 67 year old lady, answered, and stepped out with just a T-shirt on. Our engagement was open ended, perhaps fueled by cars going by, creating pauses and fresh comments and insights into Frances’s spiritual background. She was respectful of God. She may have had some soul searching medical operations, she was a survivor, maybe she Respected God because of answered prayer? She wasn’t a reader, and did not want a KGP. Conversation continued.
We talked about our souls going to live in Heaven, and that there is a Hell. She stayed on the subject and uncovered that her philosophy to be righteous in God’s eyes; “Do good to others.”
It was an open door to ask. “Have you ever said a prayer to receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?” ….. Was unsure. Had never done that. But had an open heart.
“Ask, Ask, Ask.”
Figuratively speaking, “when we take our last breath on earth, and get up to the ‘Pearly Gates’...what would you say so they’d let you in?” ….. Didn’t know.
Verbally I told her what I’d say: “I believe in Jesus who died on that cross,
Who bought me forgiveness of my sins, & believe in that sacrifice on that cross.
And that He was the perfect sacrifice and took my Hell, so I could
go to His Heaven.”
Brought out a KGP booklet & read her the Prayer Of Commitment, and asked if she wanted to pray that prayer. Yea!
Gave the booklet to her, she read it over silently, and asked her for an Amen when she finished. “Amen.” Gave her my pencil to sign it & date the prayer. And to read over the rest of the booklet later. Strongly suggested that she gets her Bible out & read one or two paragraphs a day. And suggested going to Church. …. And suddenly, Why don’t you watch Church on TV? Follow along in your Bible, until this Covid thing is over. We were both smiling at that ‘surprise’ suggestion.
Walked away, took some notes regarding this engagement & continued in rejoicing at the goodness of God in it!
Was happy in the Lord, finished off the next ‘Not Home’ houses, to the corner, and went back to my work at my Sons place.
SIM’s 1:1. “Nothing without Prayer.” Thank-You God!
*Not her real name.
My Soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God? Psalm 42:2
Blinded by the false ideologies in the World
“...Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called professing it some have strayed concerning the faith...”I Timothy 6:20-21
Weather: +4, 3:00 PM… lots of ‘Not Home’ and then unit #108 answered my knock, and with bare feet he stepped out onto his sunny deck, “Oh! you can stay inside the door,” as I stepped back two steps. “I don’t want the Cat to get out.” And with bare feet this Dad (Kolin*) 35 years old, an ex-soldier stepped outside and we engaged in conversation for the next 20+minutes.
Spiritual Needs Survey done. What was it he felt was hurting his life the most. -guilt-.
Brethren background...though he has his own thoughts. Obviously influenced by current political events in the USA’s election and all the hearsay that is broadcasted on the Internet. Kolin* wanted me to know about ‘Civil Religion’ mentioned 3X’s. (Perhaps in regard: To take away our ability to be responsible? Mentioned 2x’s.) He declared that he was an Anarchist (I pushed back on this, he caught my displeasure with this ideology; it wasn’t mentioned again.)
Mentioning our society was full of sin! I responded biblically, we are & have a sin nature, it’s in our DNA. I am a sinner, just a saved sinner. We are sinners. Verbally presented the work of Jesus on The Cross. He willingly went to that Cross, and took our Sins upon Himself, so that if we believe that, God know longer looks at us as sinners, but when He looks on us, He sees Jesus. We are covered by the redemptive work of Jesus. He sees Jesus living in us,,, the one who knew no sin. He sees us as if we have no sin.
MADE A SUGGESTION: He had a Bible. Suggested he read every day just 1-2 paragraphs from one of the Gospels... wasn’t thrilled about that suggestion.
Thought that people could become perfect. And that kids were taught to think and be taught to be sinners. (Perhaps the latest Internet thought) Even ideas become a Trend. Pushed back: “We are imperfect people, we do wrong things, we are sinners.”
Mentioned that good government is essential for societies. Referencing the book of Judges & that poor leadership brought bad results.
God had granted a ‘bubble of sunshine’, however the prompting of the Holy Spirit gave me the boldness to leave a stone in his shoe. I said, ^“The Bible teaches us that we will either spend eternity in Heaven or Hell.”
Didn’t believe in Hell. Seventy years on earth (doing good?) & then Eternity in Hell? Didn’t make sense to him. “We just die & dissolve...but believed we had a soul.” Truth no longer exists.
The Holy Spirit was saying to me, don’t talk, just listen. So I pressed on, ^“Would you go to Heaven or Hell? A moment of silence, he responded, “I don’t know.” Just a moment ago he did not believe in Heaven or Hell … “we just die & dissolve (previous paragraph). Phrases are just being copied. What do people truly believe to be the Truth?
Excepted a Knowing God Personally & told him to read it over 4X’s. Did we start to develop a relationship? Maybe, he also has had JW’s coming by and enjoying chatting with them. Though earlier I had mentioned “I didn’t want him to come to my Church, that I’m about Jesus, & that am in no way related to JW’s or LDS. Some people are hungry for the need to share their ideas and it seems that long conversations don’t usually bear much results? They do show the lack of understanding and uncertainty that prevails in people's minds and hearts.
In closing I asked if he had any prayer requests - none. And very amiably, “He was now off to pick up his kids at school.”
Lots to pray about. That Kolin* would seek the God of Salvation.
Kolin* Not his real name.
^ Leave a stone in his shoe = a haunting eternity question, a reminder of an eternal truth “a small pebble in his shoe.”
I later looked up ‘Civil Religion.’
Robert faithfully serving as we're called to...
Brief Biography
Brother Asfaw was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on November 8th 1960. He was in his mid
teens when the so-called ‘Popular Revolution’ broke out in Ethiopia.
Along with a group of his buddies he decided to flee the country and go to Djibouti. In order to
do that they had to cross the Danikal desert. Many of the group died in the process. Asfaw often
felt ‘guilty’ that he had survived.
They had not been in Djibouti long before France granted independence to that tiny nation. The
Djibouti government then decided to expel all refugees. Asfaw, along with some others, decided
to cross the border into Somalia.
Just about that time war broke out between Somalia and Ethiopia. Asfaw and his group were
captured and treated as Ethiopian spies. They were thrown into a concentration camp: ‘hell on
earth,’ he called it.
After more than a decade in Somalia he accepted a ‘political refugee’ status deal with the United
Nations and was accepted on that basis to come to Canada.
The next few decades were a mixture of good and bad. Economically he enjoyed ‘the good life’
in Canada. But ‘the good life’ had another side to it. “Name it, and except for murder, I’ve done
it,” he often told people.
He returned to visit his family in Addis Ababa. They had not heard from him for more than two
decades, so had long considered hin ‘dead and gone.’ His father pleaded with him to get married,
settle down and stay in Ethiopia. He refused.
A few years later, through the ministry of two Ethiopian preachers, Brother Asfaw experienced a
Damascus-road conversion. Just as Saul of the original Damascus road story became Paul the
Apostle, so Brother Asfaw became a totally new person.
Community Pastor Asfaw
His conversion experience gave him a passion to tell others the Good News that had transformed
his life.
In many ways his background and experience were a perfect fit for working with the Urban
Missionaries’ Association of Canada. He didn’t have any of the cultural hang-ups that hinder
Believers who have grown up in the Canadian church culture.
He had absolute confidence in the fidelity of God’s Word.
The Holy Spirit gave him an Outreach persona. When he engaged Outsiders of any age, gender or
cultural background, he became a different person. God’s love and message shone in his life.
Three things characterized Pastor Asfaw’s persona: urgency, joy and thankfulness. Especially
throughout 2012, he was restless when he could not get out and preach the Good News.
Invariably his face beamed when he spent time connecting with Outsiders with the intention of
preaching the Good News. He knew that from A – Z anything and everything that happened was
God’s work. He was often reluctant to share stories in case it sounded as though he was
During the latter part of 2012 he used his monthly bus pass to visit many residential communities
in order to preach the Good News that Jesus saves.
He shone brightest when he was working alone. He experienced freedom as he allowed the Holy
Spirit to work through him.
The Holy Spirit used his life and ministry to birth many, many people into the Family. Often he
would say with his big loving smile, “I came all the way from Africa to bring you this Good
News, and you are not going to receive it?”
He was called Home on Wednesday 6th March 2013.
“Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
The following forty-nine stories, all handwritten in Amharic, were found in a notebook in Pastor
Asfaw’s back pack after he passed away. May the stories serve one or more of the following
purposes to every reader: (1) They are icons – they remind us of why Jesus came into the world;
(2) Case studies – everyone interested in Outreach will learn something from each story; (3)
Good News – they encourage us to remember that it is the Good News the Holy Spirit uses to
transform lives; (4) Confirmations – that everywhere there are wise men and women seeking the
Table of Contents
#1 Title of Story
#1 A Born Again Buddhist
A Born Again Buddhist
September 20th, 2011
I was a little surprised at how quickly the door opened; it must have been just seconds after I
pressed the doorbell. The average is about a minute.
A young lady stood in front of me. I knew exactly what I was going to say, so I didn’t have to
fumble around for words. I told her why I had pushed the door bell, and who I was. I’ve learned
that my name badge carries a lot of weight: it confirms my identity.
“I’m quite agreeable to do that,” she replied when I invited her to complete the Spiritual Needs
“Please come in,” she said, holding the door wide open. But I was on my own and didn’t feel
comfortable accepting her invitation.
“If it’s O.K. with you, I’d prefer to stay where I am,” I replied. She was perfectly agreeable.
So we started to work our way through the Survey.
She gave me the occasional yes, and quite a few no’s as we casually looked at the questions one
at a time. Sometimes the Survey is like sparring in boxing: we’re getting to know one another.
In a second or two she summed up in her mind the content of the Knowing God Personally
booklet, and agreed to accept a copy.
“Yes,” she replied in a very affirmative tone of voice when I requested permission to show her
the highlights of the booklet.
Is this two strangers meeting? Not at all. We were already on the same wave length.
“All of my family are cultural Buddhists; that’s just how we grew up. But I was sent to a
Christian school, so I’ve heard a lot about Jesus.”
“Praise the Lord,” I said under my breath.
There is nothing I love more than talking about Jesus. “Jesus is King. Jesus is the Creator. But
most importantly, Jesus is the Saviour of all who come to Him.”
By this time we’d come to the Life Circles on page nine of the green booklet.
“My life is like the one on the left,” she said when I asked her the first question.
I took it for granted that she wanted to invite Jesus into her life to be her Lord and Saviour. I
explained very briefly how Jesus wanted to be her Saviour.
“Does the Prayer resonate with you?”
I invited her to pray silently, and give me a loud Amen when she finished. She did.
Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15]
#2 The Triumphant Trio
September 20th, 2011
“I’m Catholic,” she said, almost as soon as she opened the door.
I know from experience that this is usually a defensive, not an informative statement. She felt
that I was there to interrogate her and she was getting in first.
“Sometimes I pray at home,” she added, to confirm her dedication.
“Lots of people know Jesus in their heads, but they’ve never allowed Him to really enter their
hearts,” I said quietly with my biggest smile.
She relaxed a little as she thought about that.
The reek of tobacco smoke informed me that at the very least there was an addiction problem in
this home. Wherever she was in her spiritual journey she needed Jesus’ help to get her out of her
nicotine bondage. Having once been there I could empathize with her. I decided to test Tina’s
defenses again. I invited her to complete the Spiritual Needs Survey. Curiosity overcame her
opposition and she agreed.
“If I need to choose one of them, then I’d say ‘failure’ is my big spiritual need.”
She completed the Spiritual Needs Survey.
I offered her a copy of Knowing God Personally. She hesitated just a moment or two, then
accepted it.
Suddenly two other family members appeared. They must have come in through the back door as
they were unaware that I was talking to Tina.
“Who are you?”
“What do you want?”
“What are you doing?”
They peppered me with all the questions that I usually answer in my initial explanation.
I answered all their questions and invited them to listen to the Gospel Presentation I was just
about to do.
They agreed.
I invited all three of these nominal Christians to give Jesus permission to move from their heads
to their hearts.
They all prayed the Prayer of Commitment. [Acts 11:14] Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15]
#3 Saved in Smoke
September 12th 2011
I pushed the door bell. A smiling face greeted me – a tiny face.
No one else seemed in a hurry to come to the door. “I’m here to tell people about God’s love. Do
you know that God loves you?” I asked the small girl.
“My mom’s the one who knows all about those things. Just a moment. I’ll go call her.”
Gail appeared. She’s in her 40’s and told me she had four children.
“Who are you? What do you want?” She asked me rather abruptly.
“Ma’am, may I have just three minutes of your time? I think you’re in a hurry.”
“I’m expecting visitors any minute. Three minutes, and that’s all.”
She completed the Survey and accepted an evangelistic booklet.
All the while she was puffing away on a cigarette. She was evidently in the habit of not smoking
in the house because she stepped outside and closed the door behind her.
In spite of the fact that she was expecting her visitor momentarily Gail gave me permission to
point out the most important parts of the booklet. We got to the Life Circles’ graphic on page
I asked her, “Gail which of these two circles would you like to represent your life?”
“At the moment the Left one represents my life.”
Yes, right at that point her visitor arrived. They greeted one another, while I stood quietly
praying. I was unsure of what to do next.
“Please finish what you were doing. Don’t let me interrupt,” she said. If that wasn’t divine
intervention I don’t know what you’d call it. Was Gail’s visitor a Believer? Had she been praying
for Gail? I’ll never know.
“I want my life to be like the one on the Right,” Gail told me.
The Holy Spirit prompted me to invite Gail to repeat the Prayer of Commitment aloud after me.
In spite of the fact that her visitor was standing nearby she agreed to do that.
Her face lit up. My heart sang, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.”What happened next
was really quite unexpected: Gail apologized profusely for smoking all the time I was talking
with her.
“What did the two ladies talk about after they went inside?” I asked myself as I walked down the
pavement. [John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15]
#4 Her Real Name
September 21/2012
She told me her parents had named her Serenity.
This was one of my learning days. I learned a lot about her that I didn’t know, although she did
tell me a few things herself. She said she was about 28, and that she was single.
It was her companion, who was a Caucasian, that taught me a lot about First Nations people.
“She doesn’t look like a First Nations lady, does she? But she is. Do you know how you can tell
them?” I admitted that I had no idea. That’s when he gave me a lesson in identifying First
Nations people. I thanked him.
“I’m doing a Survey. Could you guys spare me three minutes and a few seconds?”
“I think it would be best if I leave Serenity to complete the Survey. I’ll mosey off inside,” he said
with a smile and she seemed to agree.
As she went through the Survey I noticed that tears began to gather in her eyes. She agreed to
listen to the main parts of the evangelistic booklet.
“Sorry to be embarrassing you,” she said as she began to sob quietly. I assured her that I was not
in the least embarrassed. I waited silently until she regained her composure.
A little later she prayed and invited Jesus into her life. “Thank you,” she said as she went back
inside the house. She had regained her real name: now she had supernatural peace in her heart.
I prayed for her as I walked down the pavement.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15]
#5 A Supernatural Birth
September 21/2012
I guessed Angie was from the Philippines as soon as she opened the door.
After I’d introduced myself we chatted for a minute or two. She told me she was in her
mid-thirties and had a couple of lovely children.
“I’m doing a Survey. Could you spare me about three minutes?” I asked her.
“I’m Catholic,” she replied.
I’m always happy when I hear someone say that. It tells me they usually have a serious interest in
spiritual things.
I’ve also learned from experience that I can ask people like Angie a direct question that gets to
the heart of our interview. But this question would confuse most people I meet.
“Are you born again?” I asked Angie.
“No,” she replied, without the flutter of an eyelid. She knew that within the Filipino Catholic
community there is a significant number who call themselves ‘born again.’
We went back to the Spiritual Needs Survey. Angie accepted an evangelistic booklet and gave
me permission to show her the main points.
This was one of those beautiful occasions when I felt the Holy Spirit giving me the exact words
to say that connected with Angie’s heart. She agreed that the Prayer of Commitment expressed
how she felt.
Angie prayed in a loud voice and invited Jesus to come into her life. Praise the Lord!
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15]
#6 Invitation Ready
September 21/2012
“May I help you?” she asked as soon as she opened the door. I’m constantly surprised at how
friendly people are when I knock on their doors.
Hoa is from the Vietnamese community. It was lovely to see some small children running around
the house. Before I could tell her anything, she asked me another question: “Who are you?”
Her English was excellent so I quickly told her what I was doing and who I was. I showed her my
name badge. Both seeing and hearing seems to be helpful for most people.
“Could you spare me three minutes and seventeen seconds to complete a Survey?” I asked Hoa.
She readily agreed. After she’d finished the Survey she accepted a copy of Knowing God
Personally and agreed to my request to show her the main points.
Hoa was among many people I meet who have already accumulated all the information they
need: but she hadn’t heard the Invitation. Or if she’d heard it, she hadn’t been willing to make a
positive response. Today she was willing.
“Yes,” she replied when I invited her to say Yes to Jesus’ Invitation. She prayed and invited
Jesus to be her Lord and Saviour.
Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#7 Thirty Dollars for What?
September 27/2012
My mouth almost dropped open. Three tens – thirty dollars?
“What’s this for?” I asked Trina.
“I thought maybe you needed some food money,” she replied.
That’s when I showed her my name tag and explained what I was doing and who I was.
She looked at it, “So you’re a Community Pastor? So sorry. I thought maybe you were out of
luck and needed some food money. Please forgive me.”
Trina stepped outside, pulled the door shut behind her and agreed to complete the Spiritual Needs
Survey. It intrigued her. She listened to each question, thought about it for a few moments and
then gave me a serious reply. I was impressed.
I extracted a copy of The Four Ways from my bag and asked, “May I have a few minutes to show
you what this booklet is all about?”
I’d no sooner begun than a man stepped out the door. He frowned at her and she appeared a little
“Nothing to worry about. God loves both of you,” I said to them.
She laughed; he didn’t. But he went back inside. As I continued explaining the booklet to Trina
he came back again. This time he had a few questions. I politely answered his questions and he
looked satisfied.
When we got to the Prayer of Commitment I invited Trina to pray aloud after me if she sincerely
wanted Jesus in her life to be her Lord and Saviour.
She did that. Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#8 What’s to Hide?
September 29/2012
Keri didn’t seem to want her husband to know that she had a guilty conscience. Now she doesn’t;
and, who knows, maybe it was a secret between her and God.
Keri is a young mom. After I had introduced myself she willingly agreed to complete the
Spiritual Needs Survey. At times she seemed a trifle reluctant. I kept reminding her that God
loves her.
We got to the questions about spiritual felt-needs. They’re the questions that Serious Seekers
want to answer. They want to verbalize how they’re feeling.
Keri lifted her head. She’d been following the wording in the Survey. She held my gaze: “A
guilty conscience,” she replied.
“May I give you this small evangelistic booklet?”
Keri accepted the booklet and gave me permission to show her the main points. She wanted to
know what the Good News was for a person with a guilty conscience.
When I asked her the first of the Life Circles’ questions she told me: “Jesus is not yet in my life.”
I read the Prayer of Commitment. “Does this Prayer express the desire of your heart?” I asked
Her husband was in sight but totally ignoring us. “Yes,” she replied.
“When you invite Jesus into your life He takes away all of your sins.”
Keri prayed and invited Jesus to be her Lord and Saviour.
Praise the Lord!
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#9 “Go away, Mom.”
October 5/2012
“I don’t need any help from you. Go away, Mom,” Dakota said to her as she approached us.
He said he was single living at home with his mom. When I arrived he’d been home alone. He
said his mother was at work.
You know how you can just feel that some people have a quiet peaceable nature? That’s the
feeling I had about Dakota. His body language, his voice, his eyes were all gentle.
When I first meet someone I make sure that I take time to clearly tell them what I am doing and
who I am. I confirm that by showing them my name badge.
“I’m doing some surveys in the neighbourhood. It’s about people’s Spiritual Needs. Could you
spare me about three minutes?”
Dakota gave me a lot of yeses as we went through the Spiritual Needs Survey. He appeared to be
genuinely interested in what I wanted to talk to him about.
I offered him a copy of the booklet Would you like to Know God Personally. He gladly accepted
a copy and gave me permission to show him the main points.
That’s when mom turned up from work. He introduced her to me but when she wanted to come
close and get involved he encouraged her to move on.
He wanted to talk to me alone.
As we went through the booklet I explained to him how Jesus changed people’s lives from the
inside. Dakota was willing to allow Jesus to change his life. He invited Jesus into his life and He
came in. Dakota began to change. Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#10 Bothersome Telephone
October 5/2012
Trying to talk with someone while the phone is ringing is a major distraction. But then it wasn’t
my phone so I refrained from expressing an opinion. I must admit I found it a little annoying.
Corrine is in her late teens. She was a very confident young lady and she seemed to be at home
on her own.
When I’m uncertain about a person’s age I take a little extras time to introduce myself. I want to
make sure they understand who I am and what I am doing.
“No problem. I’d like to do the Spiritual Needs Survey,” she told me. I confirmed that she knew
what it was about and we got going.
That was when our troubles began.
The phone began ringing. She ignored it. She seemed unhappy about it ringing but refused to
pick it up.
By this time we’d completed the Spiritual Needs Survey and Corrine had agreed to accept a
booklet. She gave me permission to show her the main points in the booklet. The phone started
ringing again.
“I’m so sorry. Excuse me,” she said. She picked up the phone, exclaimed “Weird!” and put it
down again. That seemed a weird way to answer the phone but I said nothing.
I explained to Corrine what the Prayer of Commitment was about. I told her briefly how Jesus
had changed my life. She agreed that she wanted to have Jesus in her life as her Lord and
Saviour. Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#11 Happy Camper
October 5/2012
I occasionally ask myself: Why are some people just naturally happy? I’m not that way so the
question has always intrigued me. The moment I met her I got the impression that Yvonne was
that sort of person. “If she’s just naturally happy she’s unlikely to be interested in spiritual
things,” I said to myself.
She’s in her late twenties and seemed genuinely glad that I had rung her doorbell in the late
afternoon. One advantage of having a set way of making a presentation is that I rarely get
distracted, even by extra-happy people.
“Could you spare me a bit over three minutes to complete a Spiritual Needs Survey?” I asked
Yvonne after I had introduced myself and told her what I was doing.
Of course, she was only too glad to complete a Survey.
In the process she told me that she had some spiritual felt-needs and was agreeable to accepting a
copy of Would You Like to Know God Personally? She gladly gave me permission to show her
the main points in the booklet. She even wanted to read aloud some of the biblical quotations.
That was fine with me.
We chatted about the Life Circles. She told me that Jesus was not in her life but she really
wanted Him to be there.
She told me that the Prayer of Commitment really expressed the desire of her heard. She wanted
to read it aloud and gave me a hearty Amen when she finished. Praise the Lord.
I then spent a few minutes telling Yvonne that this was just step one. Now she needed to nurture
this relationship. She agreed to do that.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#12 A Solitary Transaction
October 5/2012
Some people prefer to be on their own when they invite Jesus into their lives. I always respect
their choice. I encourage them to verbalize that choice with me, if they feel comfortable doing so:
and many do. But Rian didn’t.
“I’m Catholic,” she told me after I had introduced myself and told her what I was doing.
Considering where she comes from I could have guessed that. There were two or three happy
little kids running around the house.
I quoted to her Jesus’ words from John 3:3 “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of
God unless they are born again.”
“That’s right,” she agreed.
I invited Rian to complete the Spiritual Needs Survey. She gladly agreed to do that. In the
process she told me that she was an Active Seeker.
“I have with me a small booklet called Would You Like to Know God Personally? May I give
you a copy?”
When we got to the Life Circles graphic Rian told me that she was in the Left circle but she
wanted to be in the Right one; she wanted to have Jesus in her life.
She agreed that the Prayer of Commitment expressed the desire of her heart.
When I invited her to repeat the Prayer aloud after me she replied, “It’s something I prefer to do
on my own. I will pray it later.”
We chatted about the church she attended and encouraged to be more regular; I also gave her a
Gospel of John so that she could feed her soul regularly from God’s Word. Later I left a N.T. for
her and a DVD for the kids.
Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#13 Transvestite? Transsexual?
October 5/2012
I was there to tell Dylnan the Good News, not to interrogate him. Lots of questions popped in and
out of my mind but I didn’t ask any of them. “God knows,” I said to each question.
His body language was unmistakably male. He is about twenty and said he was single. I’d never
heard the name before so I apologized for having a hard time pronouncing it. “Maybe it’s parts of
two different names,” I thought to myself.
She had smooth skin, lipstick and ear rings. She seemed to have a hard time making her voice
sound like a lady’s. It sounded as if she was trying to impersonate someone.
“I’m doing some Spiritual Needs Surveys in the neighbourhood.”
She agreed to complete a Survey.
“Failure,” she replied when we got to the questions about spiritual felt-needs.
I offered her a copy of Would You Like to Know God Personally?
Sometimes I put most of my emphasis on the quotations in the booklet. Sometimes I add some
remarks of my own. “Like everyone else, Dylnan, you’re looking for Pardon, Peace and Purpose
in your life. I know from God’s Word and from personal experience that Jesus is the only way.”
She had tears in her eyes. She didn’t say anything. I got the impression that a huge internal
struggle was taking place.
I went to the page that has the Life Circles graphic. I explained it to Dylnan.
“That one,” she said, pointing to the Left Circle.
I read the Prayer of Commitment to Dylnan.
“How do you feel about it?” I asked her.
“I will read it again, one phrase at a time. If it says what you’d like to say, please say it after me.”
She did.
“When you are alone, meditate on the prayer until you are 100% certain that Jesus has come into
your life as He promised He would.”
Later I left her a N.T. and a DVD of the Life of Jesus.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#14 Silence is Golden
October 5/2012
I’m one of those people who likes solving other people’s problems! I have lots of advice for
people who haven’t yet asked for it. Today, fortunately, I managed to remain silent. I was sorely
tempted to say, “Please feel free to answer your phone.”
Pat’s a Caucasian lady in her mid-twenties. I introduced myself.
“I’ve always been a very spiritual person,” she quickly informed me. I was glad to hear that.
“Sure,” she replied when I invited her to spare me a few minutes to complete a Spiritual Needs
And then our interruptions began.
She didn’t have an answering machine. She must have had the ‘number of rings’ set at 100! And
she refused to pick it up. Now apparently she didn’t have a problem with that, but I sure did.
“Sorry about that,” she said, “Let’s just keep going on the Survey.” O.K. lady, if it doesn’t bother
you then why should it bother me?
She told me that her spiritual felt-need was failure. In the context of what we were doing we both
knew the nuance of the word failure.
“May I give you a copy of Would you Like to Know God Personally?”
She gave me permission to show her the main points of the booklet. They were not new to her.
She asked me some questions and we briefly discussed some of the points. In order to keep on
track I picked an appropriate moment and asked her: “Are you born again?”
“No, I am not,” Pat replied, clearly understanding what the question meant.
By now we’d arrived at page nine in the booklet, the Life Circles page.
“I’m in the middle,” she replied to my question. Spiritual people almost always give that answer.
They’re working on the relationship; they feel they are neither in nor out.
“Today is your day. You can be 100% sure that you are in a right relationship with God.”
She liked that. Pat prayed and invited Jesus into her life.
Praise the Lord. Thank you Jesus.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#15 Alone, but no longer lonely
October 5/2012
It’s hard to live alone. I know from experience. Dennis was alone. At the age of 33 he’d come to
Canada to start a new life. His wife and family were still in the Philippines. He needed a steady
job and a bit of money saved up before he could bring them to Canada.
I introduced myself and told Dennis what I was doing.
“I’m a Christian. I was born into a Catholic home and have always been a Catholic,” he told me.
I affirmed his religious upbringing.
“May I remind you of what Jesus said in John 3:3 – Except a man be born again he cannot enter
the Kingdom of Heaven. What I want to ask you Dennis is this: Are you born again?”
“No,” he replied.
“Can you spare me a few minutes to complete the Spiritual Needs Survey?”
“A guilty conscience,” he told me when we got to the part of the Survey that asked about spiritual
“Do I ever have Good News for you!”
We completed the Survey and then he gladly accepted a copy of Would You Like to Know God
Personally? Dennis gave me permission to show him the main points in the booklet.
When we got to the Life Circles graphic on page ten I knew beforehand what answer he was
going to give me. Everyone like Dennis wishes they had a personal relationship with God but
they know they don’t presently have one.
“I’m right in the middle.” Just as I guessed.
I showed how he could say Yes to Jesus’ Invitation. He was eager to do that.
Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#16 Roy’s Angry Girlfriend
October 6/2012
“He’s really not at all interested in this sort of thing,” she yelled at me.
I looked at Roy. He look at Hon, as he called her. He smiled at her and told her to take a hike!
Roy’s in his late twenties. When he opened the door he had a beer in his hand, but assured me
that it was the first for the afternoon. “I’m perfectly O.K. to complete a Survey. Let’s do it.”
There are seven questions in the Survey. He gave me four no’s and three yeses. He told me he’d
been doing a lot of thinking about these sorts of things.
“Sure,” he answered when I offered him a copy of Would You Like to Know God Personally?
“May I show of the highlights? It tell us three things we need to know and one thing we need to
do in order to have a life-transforming relationship with the one who created us.”
Roy gave me permission.
Then a man in his early fifties appeared from within the house. “What are you doing?” he asked
me. “I’ve just completed a Survey with Roy. Now I’m showing Roy the contents of this small
“We have our own god. We don’t need to hear about other gods. Do you speak German?”
“I understand a few words, but I don’t speak it.”
He glared at me and walked away.
I started to go through the booklet with Roy. Regardless of how the others felt, he wanted to
listen to the Good News.
Both Roy’s girlfriend and the older man appeared again. “Don’t you understand? We don’t want
to hear this!”
I didn’t say a thing. Roy just looked at them. They moved away again.
I told Roy about the Two Lives. I could see that tears were beginning to gather in his eyes when I
read him the Prayer of Commitment.
“Is that how you would like to talk to Jesus?” I asked him.
He prayed and asked Jesus to be his Lord and Saviour.
Praise theBrief Biography
Brother Asfaw was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on November 8th 1960. He was in his mid
teens when the so-called ‘Popular Revolution’ broke out in Ethiopia.
Along with a group of his buddies he decided to flee the country and go to Djibouti. In order to
do that they had to cross the Danikal desert. Many of the group died in the process. Asfaw often
felt ‘guilty’ that he had survived.
They had not been in Djibouti long before France granted independence to that tiny nation. The
Djibouti government then decided to expel all refugees. Asfaw, along with some others, decided
to cross the border into Somalia.
Just about that time war broke out between Somalia and Ethiopia. Asfaw and his group were
captured and treated as Ethiopian spies. They were thrown into a concentration camp: ‘hell on
earth,’ he called it.
After more than a decade in Somalia he accepted a ‘political refugee’ status deal with the United
Nations and was accepted on that basis to come to Canada.
The next few decades were a mixture of good and bad. Economically he enjoyed ‘the good life’
in Canada. But ‘the good life’ had another side to it. “Name it, and except for murder, I’ve done
it,” he often told people.
He returned to visit his family in Addis Ababa. They had not heard from him for more than two
decades, so had long considered hin ‘dead and gone.’ His father pleaded with him to get married,
settle down and stay in Ethiopia. He refused.
A few years later, through the ministry of two Ethiopian preachers, Brother Asfaw experienced a
Damascus-road conversion. Just as Saul of the original Damascus road story became Paul the
Apostle, so Brother Asfaw became a totally new person.
Community Pastor Asfaw
His conversion experience gave him a passion to tell others the Good News that had transformed
his life.
In many ways his background and experience were a perfect fit for working with the Urban
Missionaries’ Association of Canada. He didn’t have any of the cultural hang-ups that hinder
Believers who have grown up in the Canadian church culture.
He had absolute confidence in the fidelity of God’s Word.
The Holy Spirit gave him an Outreach persona. When he engaged Outsiders of any age, gender or
cultural background, he became a different person. God’s love and message shone in his life.
Three things characterized Pastor Asfaw’s persona: urgency, joy and thankfulness. Especially
throughout 2012, he was restless when he could not get out and preach the Good News.
Invariably his face beamed when he spent time connecting with Outsiders with the intention of
preaching the Good News. He knew that from A – Z anything and everything that happened was
God’s work. He was often reluctant to share stories in case it sounded as though he was
During the latter part of 2012 he used his monthly bus pass to visit many residential communities
in order to preach the Good News that Jesus saves.
He shone brightest when he was working alone. He experienced freedom as he allowed the Holy
Spirit to work through him.
The Holy Spirit used his life and ministry to birth many, many people into the Family. Often he
would say with his big loving smile, “I came all the way from Africa to bring you this Good
News, and you are not going to receive it?”
He was called Home on Wednesday 6th March 2013.
“Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
The following forty-nine stories, all handwritten in Amharic, were found in a notebook in Pastor
Asfaw’s back pack after he passed away. May the stories serve one or more of the following
purposes to every reader: (1) They are icons – they remind us of why Jesus came into the world;
(2) Case studies – everyone interested in Outreach will learn something from each story; (3)
Good News – they encourage us to remember that it is the Good News the Holy Spirit uses to
transform lives; (4) Confirmations – that everywhere there are wise men and women seeking the
Table of Contents
#1 Title of Story
#1 A Born Again Buddhist
A Born Again Buddhist
September 20th, 2011
I was a little surprised at how quickly the door opened; it must have been just seconds after I
pressed the doorbell. The average is about a minute.
A young lady stood in front of me. I knew exactly what I was going to say, so I didn’t have to
fumble around for words. I told her why I had pushed the door bell, and who I was. I’ve learned
that my name badge carries a lot of weight: it confirms my identity.
“I’m quite agreeable to do that,” she replied when I invited her to complete the Spiritual Needs
“Please come in,” she said, holding the door wide open. But I was on my own and didn’t feel
comfortable accepting her invitation.
“If it’s O.K. with you, I’d prefer to stay where I am,” I replied. She was perfectly agreeable.
So we started to work our way through the Survey.
She gave me the occasional yes, and quite a few no’s as we casually looked at the questions one
at a time. Sometimes the Survey is like sparring in boxing: we’re getting to know one another.
In a second or two she summed up in her mind the content of the Knowing God Personally
booklet, and agreed to accept a copy.
“Yes,” she replied in a very affirmative tone of voice when I requested permission to show her
the highlights of the booklet.
Is this two strangers meeting? Not at all. We were already on the same wave length.
“All of my family are cultural Buddhists; that’s just how we grew up. But I was sent to a
Christian school, so I’ve heard a lot about Jesus.”
“Praise the Lord,” I said under my breath.
There is nothing I love more than talking about Jesus. “Jesus is King. Jesus is the Creator. But
most importantly, Jesus is the Saviour of all who come to Him.”
By this time we’d come to the Life Circles on page nine of the green booklet.
“My life is like the one on the left,” she said when I asked her the first question.
I took it for granted that she wanted to invite Jesus into her life to be her Lord and Saviour. I
explained very briefly how Jesus wanted to be her Saviour.
“Does the Prayer resonate with you?”
I invited her to pray silently, and give me a loud Amen when she finished. She did.
Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15]
#2 The Triumphant Trio
September 20th, 2011
“I’m Catholic,” she said, almost as soon as she opened the door.
I know from experience that this is usually a defensive, not an informative statement. She felt
that I was there to interrogate her and she was getting in first.
“Sometimes I pray at home,” she added, to confirm her dedication.
“Lots of people know Jesus in their heads, but they’ve never allowed Him to really enter their
hearts,” I said quietly with my biggest smile.
She relaxed a little as she thought about that.
The reek of tobacco smoke informed me that at the very least there was an addiction problem in
this home. Wherever she was in her spiritual journey she needed Jesus’ help to get her out of her
nicotine bondage. Having once been there I could empathize with her. I decided to test Tina’s
defenses again. I invited her to complete the Spiritual Needs Survey. Curiosity overcame her
opposition and she agreed.
“If I need to choose one of them, then I’d say ‘failure’ is my big spiritual need.”
She completed the Spiritual Needs Survey.
I offered her a copy of Knowing God Personally. She hesitated just a moment or two, then
accepted it.
Suddenly two other family members appeared. They must have come in through the back door as
they were unaware that I was talking to Tina.
“Who are you?”
“What do you want?”
“What are you doing?”
They peppered me with all the questions that I usually answer in my initial explanation.
I answered all their questions and invited them to listen to the Gospel Presentation I was just
about to do.
They agreed.
I invited all three of these nominal Christians to give Jesus permission to move from their heads
to their hearts.
They all prayed the Prayer of Commitment. [Acts 11:14] Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15]
#3 Saved in Smoke
September 12th 2011
I pushed the door bell. A smiling face greeted me – a tiny face.
No one else seemed in a hurry to come to the door. “I’m here to tell people about God’s love. Do
you know that God loves you?” I asked the small girl.
“My mom’s the one who knows all about those things. Just a moment. I’ll go call her.”
Gail appeared. She’s in her 40’s and told me she had four children.
“Who are you? What do you want?” She asked me rather abruptly.
“Ma’am, may I have just three minutes of your time? I think you’re in a hurry.”
“I’m expecting visitors any minute. Three minutes, and that’s all.”
She completed the Survey and accepted an evangelistic booklet.
All the while she was puffing away on a cigarette. She was evidently in the habit of not smoking
in the house because she stepped outside and closed the door behind her.
In spite of the fact that she was expecting her visitor momentarily Gail gave me permission to
point out the most important parts of the booklet. We got to the Life Circles’ graphic on page
I asked her, “Gail which of these two circles would you like to represent your life?”
“At the moment the Left one represents my life.”
Yes, right at that point her visitor arrived. They greeted one another, while I stood quietly
praying. I was unsure of what to do next.
“Please finish what you were doing. Don’t let me interrupt,” she said. If that wasn’t divine
intervention I don’t know what you’d call it. Was Gail’s visitor a Believer? Had she been praying
for Gail? I’ll never know.
“I want my life to be like the one on the Right,” Gail told me.
The Holy Spirit prompted me to invite Gail to repeat the Prayer of Commitment aloud after me.
In spite of the fact that her visitor was standing nearby she agreed to do that.
Her face lit up. My heart sang, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.”What happened next
was really quite unexpected: Gail apologized profusely for smoking all the time I was talking
with her.
“What did the two ladies talk about after they went inside?” I asked myself as I walked down the
pavement. [John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15]
#4 Her Real Name
September 21/2012
She told me her parents had named her Serenity.
This was one of my learning days. I learned a lot about her that I didn’t know, although she did
tell me a few things herself. She said she was about 28, and that she was single.
It was her companion, who was a Caucasian, that taught me a lot about First Nations people.
“She doesn’t look like a First Nations lady, does she? But she is. Do you know how you can tell
them?” I admitted that I had no idea. That’s when he gave me a lesson in identifying First
Nations people. I thanked him.
“I’m doing a Survey. Could you guys spare me three minutes and a few seconds?”
“I think it would be best if I leave Serenity to complete the Survey. I’ll mosey off inside,” he said
with a smile and she seemed to agree.
As she went through the Survey I noticed that tears began to gather in her eyes. She agreed to
listen to the main parts of the evangelistic booklet.
“Sorry to be embarrassing you,” she said as she began to sob quietly. I assured her that I was not
in the least embarrassed. I waited silently until she regained her composure.
A little later she prayed and invited Jesus into her life. “Thank you,” she said as she went back
inside the house. She had regained her real name: now she had supernatural peace in her heart.
I prayed for her as I walked down the pavement.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15]
#5 A Supernatural Birth
September 21/2012
I guessed Angie was from the Philippines as soon as she opened the door.
After I’d introduced myself we chatted for a minute or two. She told me she was in her
mid-thirties and had a couple of lovely children.
“I’m doing a Survey. Could you spare me about three minutes?” I asked her.
“I’m Catholic,” she replied.
I’m always happy when I hear someone say that. It tells me they usually have a serious interest in
spiritual things.
I’ve also learned from experience that I can ask people like Angie a direct question that gets to
the heart of our interview. But this question would confuse most people I meet.
“Are you born again?” I asked Angie.
“No,” she replied, without the flutter of an eyelid. She knew that within the Filipino Catholic
community there is a significant number who call themselves ‘born again.’
We went back to the Spiritual Needs Survey. Angie accepted an evangelistic booklet and gave
me permission to show her the main points.
This was one of those beautiful occasions when I felt the Holy Spirit giving me the exact words
to say that connected with Angie’s heart. She agreed that the Prayer of Commitment expressed
how she felt.
Angie prayed in a loud voice and invited Jesus to come into her life. Praise the Lord!
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15]
#6 Invitation Ready
September 21/2012
“May I help you?” she asked as soon as she opened the door. I’m constantly surprised at how
friendly people are when I knock on their doors.
Hoa is from the Vietnamese community. It was lovely to see some small children running around
the house. Before I could tell her anything, she asked me another question: “Who are you?”
Her English was excellent so I quickly told her what I was doing and who I was. I showed her my
name badge. Both seeing and hearing seems to be helpful for most people.
“Could you spare me three minutes and seventeen seconds to complete a Survey?” I asked Hoa.
She readily agreed. After she’d finished the Survey she accepted a copy of Knowing God
Personally and agreed to my request to show her the main points.
Hoa was among many people I meet who have already accumulated all the information they
need: but she hadn’t heard the Invitation. Or if she’d heard it, she hadn’t been willing to make a
positive response. Today she was willing.
“Yes,” she replied when I invited her to say Yes to Jesus’ Invitation. She prayed and invited
Jesus to be her Lord and Saviour.
Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#7 Thirty Dollars for What?
September 27/2012
My mouth almost dropped open. Three tens – thirty dollars?
“What’s this for?” I asked Trina.
“I thought maybe you needed some food money,” she replied.
That’s when I showed her my name tag and explained what I was doing and who I was.
She looked at it, “So you’re a Community Pastor? So sorry. I thought maybe you were out of
luck and needed some food money. Please forgive me.”
Trina stepped outside, pulled the door shut behind her and agreed to complete the Spiritual Needs
Survey. It intrigued her. She listened to each question, thought about it for a few moments and
then gave me a serious reply. I was impressed.
I extracted a copy of The Four Ways from my bag and asked, “May I have a few minutes to show
you what this booklet is all about?”
I’d no sooner begun than a man stepped out the door. He frowned at her and she appeared a little
“Nothing to worry about. God loves both of you,” I said to them.
She laughed; he didn’t. But he went back inside. As I continued explaining the booklet to Trina
he came back again. This time he had a few questions. I politely answered his questions and he
looked satisfied.
When we got to the Prayer of Commitment I invited Trina to pray aloud after me if she sincerely
wanted Jesus in her life to be her Lord and Saviour.
She did that. Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#8 What’s to Hide?
September 29/2012
Keri didn’t seem to want her husband to know that she had a guilty conscience. Now she doesn’t;
and, who knows, maybe it was a secret between her and God.
Keri is a young mom. After I had introduced myself she willingly agreed to complete the
Spiritual Needs Survey. At times she seemed a trifle reluctant. I kept reminding her that God
loves her.
We got to the questions about spiritual felt-needs. They’re the questions that Serious Seekers
want to answer. They want to verbalize how they’re feeling.
Keri lifted her head. She’d been following the wording in the Survey. She held my gaze: “A
guilty conscience,” she replied.
“May I give you this small evangelistic booklet?”
Keri accepted the booklet and gave me permission to show her the main points. She wanted to
know what the Good News was for a person with a guilty conscience.
When I asked her the first of the Life Circles’ questions she told me: “Jesus is not yet in my life.”
I read the Prayer of Commitment. “Does this Prayer express the desire of your heart?” I asked
Her husband was in sight but totally ignoring us. “Yes,” she replied.
“When you invite Jesus into your life He takes away all of your sins.”
Keri prayed and invited Jesus to be her Lord and Saviour.
Praise the Lord!
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#9 “Go away, Mom.”
October 5/2012
“I don’t need any help from you. Go away, Mom,” Dakota said to her as she approached us.
He said he was single living at home with his mom. When I arrived he’d been home alone. He
said his mother was at work.
You know how you can just feel that some people have a quiet peaceable nature? That’s the
feeling I had about Dakota. His body language, his voice, his eyes were all gentle.
When I first meet someone I make sure that I take time to clearly tell them what I am doing and
who I am. I confirm that by showing them my name badge.
“I’m doing some surveys in the neighbourhood. It’s about people’s Spiritual Needs. Could you
spare me about three minutes?”
Dakota gave me a lot of yeses as we went through the Spiritual Needs Survey. He appeared to be
genuinely interested in what I wanted to talk to him about.
I offered him a copy of the booklet Would you like to Know God Personally. He gladly accepted
a copy and gave me permission to show him the main points.
That’s when mom turned up from work. He introduced her to me but when she wanted to come
close and get involved he encouraged her to move on.
He wanted to talk to me alone.
As we went through the booklet I explained to him how Jesus changed people’s lives from the
inside. Dakota was willing to allow Jesus to change his life. He invited Jesus into his life and He
came in. Dakota began to change. Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#10 Bothersome Telephone
October 5/2012
Trying to talk with someone while the phone is ringing is a major distraction. But then it wasn’t
my phone so I refrained from expressing an opinion. I must admit I found it a little annoying.
Corrine is in her late teens. She was a very confident young lady and she seemed to be at home
on her own.
When I’m uncertain about a person’s age I take a little extras time to introduce myself. I want to
make sure they understand who I am and what I am doing.
“No problem. I’d like to do the Spiritual Needs Survey,” she told me. I confirmed that she knew
what it was about and we got going.
That was when our troubles began.
The phone began ringing. She ignored it. She seemed unhappy about it ringing but refused to
pick it up.
By this time we’d completed the Spiritual Needs Survey and Corrine had agreed to accept a
booklet. She gave me permission to show her the main points in the booklet. The phone started
ringing again.
“I’m so sorry. Excuse me,” she said. She picked up the phone, exclaimed “Weird!” and put it
down again. That seemed a weird way to answer the phone but I said nothing.
I explained to Corrine what the Prayer of Commitment was about. I told her briefly how Jesus
had changed my life. She agreed that she wanted to have Jesus in her life as her Lord and
Saviour. Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#11 Happy Camper
October 5/2012
I occasionally ask myself: Why are some people just naturally happy? I’m not that way so the
question has always intrigued me. The moment I met her I got the impression that Yvonne was
that sort of person. “If she’s just naturally happy she’s unlikely to be interested in spiritual
things,” I said to myself.
She’s in her late twenties and seemed genuinely glad that I had rung her doorbell in the late
afternoon. One advantage of having a set way of making a presentation is that I rarely get
distracted, even by extra-happy people.
“Could you spare me a bit over three minutes to complete a Spiritual Needs Survey?” I asked
Yvonne after I had introduced myself and told her what I was doing.
Of course, she was only too glad to complete a Survey.
In the process she told me that she had some spiritual felt-needs and was agreeable to accepting a
copy of Would You Like to Know God Personally? She gladly gave me permission to show her
the main points in the booklet. She even wanted to read aloud some of the biblical quotations.
That was fine with me.
We chatted about the Life Circles. She told me that Jesus was not in her life but she really
wanted Him to be there.
She told me that the Prayer of Commitment really expressed the desire of her heard. She wanted
to read it aloud and gave me a hearty Amen when she finished. Praise the Lord.
I then spent a few minutes telling Yvonne that this was just step one. Now she needed to nurture
this relationship. She agreed to do that.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#12 A Solitary Transaction
October 5/2012
Some people prefer to be on their own when they invite Jesus into their lives. I always respect
their choice. I encourage them to verbalize that choice with me, if they feel comfortable doing so:
and many do. But Rian didn’t.
“I’m Catholic,” she told me after I had introduced myself and told her what I was doing.
Considering where she comes from I could have guessed that. There were two or three happy
little kids running around the house.
I quoted to her Jesus’ words from John 3:3 “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of
God unless they are born again.”
“That’s right,” she agreed.
I invited Rian to complete the Spiritual Needs Survey. She gladly agreed to do that. In the
process she told me that she was an Active Seeker.
“I have with me a small booklet called Would You Like to Know God Personally? May I give
you a copy?”
When we got to the Life Circles graphic Rian told me that she was in the Left circle but she
wanted to be in the Right one; she wanted to have Jesus in her life.
She agreed that the Prayer of Commitment expressed the desire of her heart.
When I invited her to repeat the Prayer aloud after me she replied, “It’s something I prefer to do
on my own. I will pray it later.”
We chatted about the church she attended and encouraged to be more regular; I also gave her a
Gospel of John so that she could feed her soul regularly from God’s Word. Later I left a N.T. for
her and a DVD for the kids.
Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#13 Transvestite? Transsexual?
October 5/2012
I was there to tell Dylnan the Good News, not to interrogate him. Lots of questions popped in and
out of my mind but I didn’t ask any of them. “God knows,” I said to each question.
His body language was unmistakably male. He is about twenty and said he was single. I’d never
heard the name before so I apologized for having a hard time pronouncing it. “Maybe it’s parts of
two different names,” I thought to myself.
She had smooth skin, lipstick and ear rings. She seemed to have a hard time making her voice
sound like a lady’s. It sounded as if she was trying to impersonate someone.
“I’m doing some Spiritual Needs Surveys in the neighbourhood.”
She agreed to complete a Survey.
“Failure,” she replied when we got to the questions about spiritual felt-needs.
I offered her a copy of Would You Like to Know God Personally?
Sometimes I put most of my emphasis on the quotations in the booklet. Sometimes I add some
remarks of my own. “Like everyone else, Dylnan, you’re looking for Pardon, Peace and Purpose
in your life. I know from God’s Word and from personal experience that Jesus is the only way.”
She had tears in her eyes. She didn’t say anything. I got the impression that a huge internal
struggle was taking place.
I went to the page that has the Life Circles graphic. I explained it to Dylnan.
“That one,” she said, pointing to the Left Circle.
I read the Prayer of Commitment to Dylnan.
“How do you feel about it?” I asked her.
“I will read it again, one phrase at a time. If it says what you’d like to say, please say it after me.”
She did.
“When you are alone, meditate on the prayer until you are 100% certain that Jesus has come into
your life as He promised He would.”
Later I left her a N.T. and a DVD of the Life of Jesus.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#14 Silence is Golden
October 5/2012
I’m one of those people who likes solving other people’s problems! I have lots of advice for
people who haven’t yet asked for it. Today, fortunately, I managed to remain silent. I was sorely
tempted to say, “Please feel free to answer your phone.”
Pat’s a Caucasian lady in her mid-twenties. I introduced myself.
“I’ve always been a very spiritual person,” she quickly informed me. I was glad to hear that.
“Sure,” she replied when I invited her to spare me a few minutes to complete a Spiritual Needs
And then our interruptions began.
She didn’t have an answering machine. She must have had the ‘number of rings’ set at 100! And
she refused to pick it up. Now apparently she didn’t have a problem with that, but I sure did.
“Sorry about that,” she said, “Let’s just keep going on the Survey.” O.K. lady, if it doesn’t bother
you then why should it bother me?
She told me that her spiritual felt-need was failure. In the context of what we were doing we both
knew the nuance of the word failure.
“May I give you a copy of Would you Like to Know God Personally?”
She gave me permission to show her the main points of the booklet. They were not new to her.
She asked me some questions and we briefly discussed some of the points. In order to keep on
track I picked an appropriate moment and asked her: “Are you born again?”
“No, I am not,” Pat replied, clearly understanding what the question meant.
By now we’d arrived at page nine in the booklet, the Life Circles page.
“I’m in the middle,” she replied to my question. Spiritual people almost always give that answer.
They’re working on the relationship; they feel they are neither in nor out.
“Today is your day. You can be 100% sure that you are in a right relationship with God.”
She liked that. Pat prayed and invited Jesus into her life.
Praise the Lord. Thank you Jesus.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#15 Alone, but no longer lonely
October 5/2012
It’s hard to live alone. I know from experience. Dennis was alone. At the age of 33 he’d come to
Canada to start a new life. His wife and family were still in the Philippines. He needed a steady
job and a bit of money saved up before he could bring them to Canada.
I introduced myself and told Dennis what I was doing.
“I’m a Christian. I was born into a Catholic home and have always been a Catholic,” he told me.
I affirmed his religious upbringing.
“May I remind you of what Jesus said in John 3:3 – Except a man be born again he cannot enter
the Kingdom of Heaven. What I want to ask you Dennis is this: Are you born again?”
“No,” he replied.
“Can you spare me a few minutes to complete the Spiritual Needs Survey?”
“A guilty conscience,” he told me when we got to the part of the Survey that asked about spiritual
“Do I ever have Good News for you!”
We completed the Survey and then he gladly accepted a copy of Would You Like to Know God
Personally? Dennis gave me permission to show him the main points in the booklet.
When we got to the Life Circles graphic on page ten I knew beforehand what answer he was
going to give me. Everyone like Dennis wishes they had a personal relationship with God but
they know they don’t presently have one.
“I’m right in the middle.” Just as I guessed.
I showed how he could say Yes to Jesus’ Invitation. He was eager to do that.
Praise the Lord.
[John 6:37; 17:12; 18:9; Acts 2:21; 13:39; 2 Tim. 2:19; 1 John 3:15; 5:1.]
#16 Roy’s Angry Girlfriend
October 6/2012
“He’s really not at all interested in this sort of thing,” she yelled at me.
I looked at Roy. He look at Hon, as he called her. He smiled at her and told her to take a hike!
Roy’s in his late twenties. When he opened the door he had a beer in his hand, but assured me
that it was the first for the afternoon. “I’m perfectly O.K. to complete a Survey. Let’s do it.”
There are seven questions in the Survey. He gave me four no’s and three yeses. He told me he’d
been doing a lot of thinking about these sorts of things.
“Sure,” he answered when I offered him a copy of Would You Like to Know God Personally?
“May I show of the highlights? It tell us three things we need to know and one thing we need to
do in order to have a life-transforming relationship with the one who created us.”
Roy gave me permission.
Then a man in his early fifties appeared from within the house. “What are you doing?” he asked
me. “I’ve just completed a Survey with Roy. Now I’m showing Roy the contents of this small
“We have our own god. We don’t need to hear about other gods. Do you speak German?”
“I understand a few words, but I don’t speak it.”
He glared at me and walked away.
I started to go through the booklet with Roy. Regardless of how the others felt, he wanted to
listen to the Good News.
Both Roy’s girlfriend and the older man appeared again. “Don’t you understand? We don’t want
to hear this!”
I didn’t say a thing. Roy just looked at them. They moved away again.
I told Roy about the Two Lives. I could see that tears were beginning to gather in his eyes when I
read him the Prayer of Commitment.
“Is that how you would like to talk to Jesus?” I asked him.
He prayed and asked Jesus to be his Lord and Saviour.
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